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Monday, November 16, 2015
Three Stages of T1D and JDRF’s Prevention Research
California-based risk consulting firm Edward Myers & Associates, Inc., specializes in background checks and investigations. Committed to public service, Edward Myers & Associates, Inc., supports JDRF (previously the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).
JDRF counts the development of a universal type 1 diabetes (T1D) vaccine for the prevention of the chronic autoimmune disease among its areas of focus. While such a vaccine has yet to be developed, JDRF has determined that there are three stages of T1D. The first stage consists of autoimmunity with normal glucose tolerance, the second involves autoimmunity with abnormal glucose tolerance, and the final stage requires insulin therapy. Discovering and understanding the three stages lays a solid foundation for designing effective clinical trials using biomarkers that could be used in the creation of future preventive therapies.
Ultimately, JDRF seeks a solution that offers a patient-centered approach. This would allow medical professionals to coordinate personalized treatment plans for each patient. Reverse-specific bacteria changes associated with T1D are also being evaluated to determine how they can translate into a vaccine.